Understanding Life by #LearningtoSee

About Melissa Carswell

About Melissa Carswell

There is no "perfect" social media home or lifestyle to be found on this site. We don't live a life of exciting travel, our home is a fixer-upper that would never pass Martha Steward muster, and daily life consists of dishes, laundry, and navigating crazy life schedules. 

Once a woman of discontent, I found joy and beauty in the busy, exhausting, sometimes hard, ordinary.  It can be  as simple as a freshly brewed cup of coffee, watching rain hit the window, going sledding in a snowstorm, or noticing how the light hits the leaves on a tree at golden hour.  My passion is to connect with other women in this picture-perfect social media world we live in, and encourage them to #learntosee and #lookforthelight, in their every-day, simplistic life. 

Whole Life Richness

#learningtosee and #lookforthelight are the hashtags of my Instagram handle. My passion is to inspire women to be their true selves, to love big, find joy in their ordinary, every day lives, and to be their own creators of beauty.

Raising Monarch

One of the ways we find beauty in the every-day, is to raise Monarch Butterflies every year. From eggs found in the field, to launching  off the Monarchs that will fly to Mexico every Fall, this is a hobby that brings joy and delight with every Summer season.